
A web portal is most often one specially-designed Web page at a website which brings information together from diverse sources in a uniform way. Usually, each information source gets its dedicated area on the page for displaying information (a portlet); often, the user can configure which ones to display.

Web Portal Development is a multi-dimensional activity that involves proficiency at many levels whether it is architecture design, GUI design, DB planning, coding or middle tier integration. A portal well executed, create a brand for its owner and becomes known gateway for the users across World Wide Web. Based on the higher-level principles of being a single access point to various information resources, web portals unite data sources, content and applications in one place and make them available for users depending on a wide range of business objectives and user roles. Our expertise allows building portal solutions that combine information access and content distribution with collaboration and workflow management. COD create web portal solutions tailored to client’s needs and continuously improve and extend them by integrating new modules. COD’s approach to portal architecture is grounded on providing as much freedom for improvements, functional extensions and new systems integration as possible – all to support your business growth.

We offer following portal development solutions: School Admission / Result Checker Portal Development, Journal Publishing Portal Development, Betting Portal Development, Travel Portal Development, Job Portal Development, Real Estate Portal Development, Entertainment Portal Development, E-commerce Portal, Enterprise Portals, Corporate Intranet Portals and Portal Maintenance.


School Website / E-Portal

Schools, be it Primary or Secondary school needs a website or e-portal to communicate to general public. All the activities of the school are published in the website and the students can check their terminal result through the school e-portal.

COD partners with the school to develop and manage the school website/ portal. This partnership is symbiotic and it makes it possible for the school to incur little or no cost to own a website / portal.


University / Polytechnic / College Portal

he need for the prospecting students to get information about the courses offered by an institution make it necessary for higher institutions to own a portal.
COD develops portals with features like:
Online Admission processing
Online Result Checking
Email service for all students and staff
News publication
Courses offered
And many more!


Online Journal Portal

COD develops Journal Portals that meet the present day needs. The portal has all the features of modern journal portal. The application can be Open Access, Semi-access or Restricted Access depending on the client’s specification.

COD partners with Research institutions, Learned Societies, Academic Institutions and Government to develop and manage online journal portals where scholarly works are published.


Online Shop

Online Shop, commonly known as e-commerce or eCommerce, is a type of industry where the buying and selling of products or services is conducted over electronic systems such as the Internet and other computer networks.

COD develops an e-commerce website/portal that has all the necessary features for effective online buying and selling with a secured means of payment


Online Betting System Development

COD Develops custom betting management system that runs on the internet. This is the trend in the lotto business. The system is designed in a way that it is user friendly and has amazing graphics.


Company Website

The image of a company is very important to the business owner(s). A poor designed and managed company website paints a bad image of the company and will cost the marketing team a lot. COD will design a professional company website and manages it for your enterprise which gives your company the brand it deserves.


Church Website

Evangelism has taken another dimension. The internet provides veritable tool for evangelism. Thus churches need to utilize the wide reach of the internet to evangelize.

COD designs websites with great animation and flash effects that is appealing to the eyes. We also enable live streaming of the church program on the internet.